
芯片的热阻值是芯片手册中常见的参数之一,在电路设计和 PCB layout 时需要考虑的重要因素之一,尤其是功率器件,例如电源芯片,MOS 管等开关功率开关器件。例如,电源芯片 LM3478 的热阻值参数如图 1 所示。

图 1 LM3478 电源芯片的热阻参数

可以看出,有θJA 和θJMA,θJCx 和θJB,ΨJT 和ΨJB 等几种参数,下面就结合 JESD51-12 标准解释一下各个参数的含义(JESD51-12 标准下载见文末)。

对流热阻θJA (Theta-JA)和θJMA

对流热阻θJA (Theta-JA)和θJMA (Theta-JMA)是自然空气(natural convection junction-toambient air)和移动空气(junction-to-moving air)下测得的器件结温散热参数:

The convection thermal resistances θJA (Theta-JA) and θJMA (Theta-JMA) are the chip junction-toambient air and junction-to-moving air thermal resistances measured in the convection environments described below.

下面是对流热阻θJA 的公式:


其中,TJ代表器件的结温,TA代表空气温度,P 代表器件产生的功耗。这种情况下测得的空气温度往往较小,所以θJA 一般是热阻参数中比较大的一个值。

θJMA 是在风洞中使用一个单层板测量所得,方程与θJA 相同,但有结果是空气速度的函数。

θJMA is the forced convection junction-to-moving air thermal resistance measured in a wind tunnel using a 1s board (unless indicated otherwise) as described in [7]. The equation is the same as for θJA but results are reported as a function of air velocity. A sample plot is given in Figure 4 on page 9.


Some suppliers deviate from the JEDEC terminology by not using the θJMA symbol and instead reporting the θJMA information as “θJA“ vs. velocity. This causes unnecessary confusion.

传导热阻θJCx (Theta-JCx)和θJB (Theta-JB)

The conduction thermal resistances θJCx (Theta-JCx) and θJB (Theta-JB) are measured with nearly all of the component power dissipation flowing through either the top or the bottom of the package.

传导热阻是指器件功率损耗几乎都传导至封装的顶部或者底部。例如,θJCtop 代表器件损耗传导至器件顶部,θJCbot 代表器件损耗传导至器件底部。下面是传导热阻θJCx 的计算公式:


其中,TJ代表器件的结温,TCase代表器件的散热面温度,P 代表器件从结到散热面产生的功耗。在功耗不变的情况下,封装顶部或者底部的温度越高,说明对应的热阻值越小。

另外,需要注意θJCx 和θJC 的区别,前者指定了散热面(顶部还是底部),后者并不明确指明散热面:

The θJCx nomenclature is used to avoid the confusion associated with θJC. Historically, the θJC case surface is defined as the “outside surface of the package (case) closest to the chip mounting area when that same surface is properly heat sunk” [2]. This could be either the top or bottom surface, but it is not always clear which surface was used when a θJC value is reported.

传导热阻θJB 是器件功耗从结传导至 PCB 时所测得的参数,并且不同的封装有不同的测量方法:

θJB is the junction-to-board thermal resistance where TBoard is the temperature measured on or near the component lead, using a 2s2p board, as described in [9]. For a leaded package, the thermocouple is attached to the foot of a lead. For an area array surface mount package, the thermocouple is attached to a board trace within 1 mm of the package body.

下面是传导热阻θJCx 的计算公式:


其中,TJ代表器件的结温,TBoard代表 PCB 温度,P 代表器件从结到 PCB 产生的功耗。在功耗不变的情况下,TBoard越高,说明对应的热阻值越小,散热效果也越好。这个参数是设计电路和 PCB layout 时需要重点关注的参数。

热特性参数ΨJT 和ΨJB

这两个参数是在测量θJA 和θJMA 时在相同环境下测量到的热特性参数:

The thermal characterization parameters ΨJT (Psi-JT) and ΨJB (Psi-JB) are measured by suppliers at the same time and in the same environments as θJA or θJMA. Users can apply the Ψ (Psi) equations to estimate the component junction temperature in their application by measuring a component temperature in the application environment and using the appropriate Ψ thermal characterization parameter. This estimated junction temperature can then be compared with a junction temperature specification. A component power estimate is required.

ΨJT 是器件结到顶部(junction-to-top)的热特性参数,下面是热特性参数ΨJT 的公式:


其中,TJ代表器件的结温,TTop代表器件顶部中心位置的温度,P 代表器件从结到顶部产生的功耗。因为是在测量θJA 和θJMA 时的环境下,所以 TTop的值往往会比较大(因为散到空气中的热量较小),所以算出来的热特性参数ΨJT 就比较小。

ΨJB 是器件结到 PCB(junction-to-board)的热特性参数,下面是热特性参数ΨJB 的公式:


其中,TJ代表器件的结温,TBoard代表 PCB 板上接近器件引线位置的温度,P 代表器件从结到 PCB 产生的功耗。热特性参数ΨJB 的值和θJB 接近。

需要明确一点:热特性参数并不是热阻值,因为会有多个散热途径。另外,热特性参数ΨJB 的值略小于θJB,热特性参数ΨJT 就远远小于θJCtop。通过图 1 中的实际参数也可以看出这个规律。

Thermal characterization parameters are not thermal resistances. This is because when the parameter is measured, the component power is flowing out of the component through multiple paths. ΨJB is lower than or approximately equal to θJB. ΨJT is often significantly lower than θJCtop. For example, ΨJT might be 1 °C/W when θJCtop is 6 °C/W.

上述参数的等效模型可参考图 2。

图 2 芯片热阻参数等效模型

另外,JESD51-12 标准中还提供一些测量条件和影响热阻值的一些变量,如封装结构、PCB layout,芯片 die 等内容,具体可参考 JESD51-12 标准。






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