Intel Quartus Prime 21.1, 21.2, 21.3和21.4软件下载及安装破解教程

2021 年,Intel 总共发布了四个版本的 Quartus Prime 软件,分别为 Intel Quartus Prime 21.1,21.2,21.3 和 21.4,只有第一个版本的 Intel Quartus Prime 21.1 软件,同时更新了 Pro、Standard 和 Lite 版本,后续的 3 个版本均是更新 Pro 版本。

Intel Quartus Prime 21.1, 21.2, 21.3和21.4软件下载及安装破解教程

下面分别介绍一下各版本软件及分享下载链接,下载链接整理于 Intel 官方网站,点击软件描述即可跳转到下载页面,选择需要的组件即可下载,下载速度远远快于百度网盘。

一、Intel Quartus Prime 21.1 软件介绍及下载

1.1 Intel Quartus Prime 21.1 Pro Edition

1Quartus PrimeIntel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Design Software Version 21.1 for WindowsWindows
2Quartus PrimeIntel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Design Software Version 21.1 for LinuxLinux
3Intel OpenCLIntel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ Pro Edition Software Version 21.1Windows
4Advanced Link AnalyzerIntel® Advanced Link Analyzer Pro Edition Software Version 21.1 for WindowsWindows
表 1 Intel Quartus Prime 21.1 Pro Edition

1.2 Intel Quartus Prime 21.1 Standard Edition

从 Intel Quartus Prime 20.1 Standard Edition 开始,Standard Edition 不再支持 HLS 功能,仅 Pro Edition 支持 HLS 功能。

The guide says if you want to use the Pro version of the HLS compiler with Cyclone V, you need to install Quartus Standard/Lite since Quartus Pro does not support synthesis for Cyclone V. You can still use HLS Standard with Cyclone V, but only with Quartus 19.1 and below. However, if you want to use Quartus Standard/Lite 20.1 and above, then there is no equivalent version HLS Standard since that compiler is now deprecated; hence, for Quartus Standard/Lite 20.1 and above you have no choice but to use the HLS Pro compiler. Considering the fact that HLS Pro is much more featureful compared to HLS Standard, it is probably best to use HLS Pro anyway; though I am not sure if all of the features of HLS Pro would work on Cyclone V.

Difference between Standard and Pro editions of HLS
1Quartus PrimeIntel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition Design Software Version 21.1 for WindowsWindows
2Quartus PrimeIntel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition Design Software Version 21.1 for LinuxLinux
3Intel OpenCL停止更新Windows
4Advanced Link AnalyzerIntel® Advanced Link Analyzer Standard Edition Software Version 21.1 for WindowsWindows
表 2 Intel Quartus Prime 21.1 Standard Edition

1.3 Intel Quartus Prime 21.1 Lite Edition

1Quartus PrimeIntel® Quartus® Prime Lite Edition Design Software Version 21.1 for WindowsWindows
2Quartus PrimeIntel® Quartus® Prime Lite Edition Design Software Version 21.1 for LinuxLinux
表 3 Intel Quartus Prime 21.1 Lite Edition

二、Intel Quartus Prime 21.2 软件介绍及下载

2.1 Intel Quartus Prime 21.2 Pro Edition

1Quartus PrimeIntel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Design Software Version 21.2 for WindowsWindows
2Quartus PrimeIntel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Design Software Version 21.2 for LinuxLinux
3Intel OpenCLIntel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ Pro Edition Software Version 21.2Windows
4Advanced Link AnalyzerIntel® Advanced Link Analyzer Pro Edition Software Version 21.2 for WindowsWindows
表 4 Intel Quartus Prime 21.2 Pro Edition

三、Intel Quartus Prime 21.3 软件介绍及下载

3.1 Intel Quartus Prime 21.3 Pro Edition

1Quartus PrimeIntel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Design Software Version 21.3 for WindowsWindows
2Quartus PrimeIntel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Design Software Version 21.3 for LinuxLinux
3Intel OpenCLIntel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ Pro Edition Software Version 21.3Windows
4Advanced Link AnalyzerIntel® Advanced Link Analyzer Pro Edition Software Version 21.3 for WindowsWindows
表 5 Intel Quartus Prime 21.3 Pro Edition

四、Intel Quartus Prime 21.4 软件介绍及下载

4.1 Intel Quartus Prime 21.4 Pro Edition

1Quartus PrimeIntel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Design Software Version 21.4 for WindowsWindows
2Quartus PrimeIntel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Design Software Version 21.4 for LinuxLinux
3Intel OpenCLIntel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ Pro Edition Software Version 21.4Windows
4Advanced Link AnalyzerIntel® Advanced Link Analyzer Pro Edition Software Version 21.4 for WindowsWindows
表 6 Intel Quartus Prime 21.4 Pro Edition

Intel Quartus Prime 21.1,21.2,21.3 和 21.4 软件的安装基本是一路 next,没有特别的地方,如果实在不会,可以参考Quartus II 13.0 SP1 软件的安装与破解教程

Quartus II 13.0 SP1软件下载及安装破解教程

Quartus II 13.0 SP1软件下载及安装破解教程

Quartus II 13.0 是 Altera 发布的支持 Cyclone I 和 Cyclone II 系列器件的最后一个版本,如果还在使用这两个系列的器件用于开发,推荐下载此…

最后,提供一下 Intel Quartus Prime 21.1,21.2,21.3 和 21.4 软件的破解文件:




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