在 Vivado 中进行 FPGA 开发时,如果用到了 IP 核,Vivado 会自动生成 IP 对应的约束文件。例如,如果用到了 MMCM/PLL IP 核,Vivado 会在 IP 核文件夹下生成相应的约束文件,用户就不必对 MMCM/PLL 的输入输出时钟做约束,极大的方便了 FPGA 开发。不过,为了理清 IP 核会生成哪些约束文件以及 IP 核的约束文件与用户定义的约束文件的编译顺序,还是有必要对此做一下总结。
在 Xilinx 官方开发文档:Vivado Design Suite User Guide : Designing with IP (UG896),此文档对此有清楚的说明。
Vivado 中 IP 核会生成哪些约束文件
根据 UG896 中的描述,IP 核会生成如下几种约束文件:
- <ip_name>.xdc
- <ip_name>_clocks.xdc
- <ip_name>_OOC.xdc
- <others>.xdc
(1)<ip_name>.xdc 约束文件,是 IP 核不依赖于外部时钟的约束文件。
(2)<ip_name>_clocks.xdc 约束文件,相对应的,是依赖于外部时钟的约束文件。
Because the top-level clock can come from other constraints, or from other IP with a dependency, any constraints that need those clocks to be defined first should be placed in the
. By default, the Vivado IDE processes the<ip_name>_clocks.xdc
file after user constraints and other IP core XDC files.
(3)大部分 IP 核还会生成<ip_name>_OOC.xdc 约束文件。
Most IP deliver an OOC XDC file as well, (<ip_name>_OOC.xdc). This file contains default top-level definitions for input clocks to the IP. This file is only used in the DCP creation when using the recommended default flow (IP synthesized OOC to the top-level design). When the Vivado Design Suite synthesizes the IP OOC of the top-level design, clocks that are created by the end-user or other IP are not available; consequently, this file is necessary to provide the clock definitions for synthesizing the IP.
The <ip_name>_ooc.xdc is not needed during implementation of the user logic with the IP, because all the netlists are linked together before constraints are applied. At that point a user-created clock or an IP-created clock is available to any IP that requires a clock.
Some IP can deliver additional XDC files. This might be because they deliver constraints that are to be used only during synthesis or only during implementation.
When you create a project that targets a platform board instead of a target part, that board is available during the IP customization letting you specify which connections on the board to use in connecting to the IP. This produces an
file which containsPACKAGE_PIN
, and other physical constraints.
如何在 Vivado 中查看约束文件的编译顺序
如果 Vivado 工程中用到了多个约束文件,包括 IP 核约束文件和用户定义的约束文件,如何查看这些约束文件的编译顺序呢?可以通过下面的 tcl 语句来查看。
report_compile_order -constraints
有些 IP 核的约束文件仅在实现阶段编译,例如上面的 design_1_clk_wiz_0_0.xdc,如果工程中用到了 MMCM/PLL 的输出时钟或者衍生时钟,那么在综合阶段就会报出类似
[Vivado 12-4739] set_clock_groups:No valid object(s) found for ‘-group [get_clocks_xxx]
另外,在 Vivado 的默认设置下,IP 核的约束文件(主要是<ip_name>.xdc)会在用户约束文件之前编译,主要基于下面两点:
- The IP might produce a clock that must be available to the end-user constraints.
- If the IP delivers physical constraints, the end-user can override them if necessary.
如何在 Vivado 中修改约束文件的编译顺序
可根据需要,按照下述方式修改 IP 核约束文件和用户约束文件的编译顺序。
- User XDC set to
- IP XDC set to
- User XDC set to
(default) - IP XDC set to
- User XDC set to